We decided to be brave and go to The Picture People for Carson's one year pictures. We usually have the worst luck there and always walk away with a bad experience. Getting the boys pictures is no easy task. This time we were able to bribe Colin with a Carousel ride and Carson was on his normal good behavior. The trip ended up being painless and we were excited to see that Carson's 3 month pictures were displayed in the store. Our famous little Carson!!
My sweet little boy turned ONE this week! Wow, where has the year gone? I should probably knock on wood before saying this, but Carson is such a good little boy. He's so happy and laid back and still smiles when his brother is constantly bothering him. I keep telling Colin to watch out for paybacks. Carson weighs 28 pounds and is 95% for height. He LOVES to eat and we have to cut him off from food because he doesn't know when to stop. He's not walking yet, but he can definitely get around!! He's babbling cute little words and he is a joy to be around. We are so proud of our little boys. Happy Birthday Carson.
We had his birthday party at Clark Elioaks Farm with family and friends. Hayride, pumpkin picking, petting zoo, and pony rides. It was a great day to celebrate Carson's birthday.