Corynne Daly Spitz
July 21, 2011 @ 8:12pm
7lbs. 8oz, 20.5 inches
A recap of the day our sweet baby girl was born. I had gone to work on Thursday (July 21) and my due date was July 22. I called the Dr. around 10am because I thought my water might have been breaking. She suggested I come to the office so she could confirm. Although my water had not broken, she suggested I go to the hospital because I was already 4cm's dilated and she would meet me over there later. I went home to pack my things and John and I headed to the hospital. I was not having contractions at this point. L&D at the hospital was very busy and they wanted to send me home b/c I wasn't haven't contractions, but they had strict orders from my Dr. to stay. John and I sat in the Triage room most of the day watching TV and we were finally moved to a room around 5pm. Dr. came in at 6pm to break my water and I immediately started feeling contractions. I asked for the epidural during the nurse shift change and suffered through contractions until about 8pm when the anestigiolist came. At that point, I told the nurses, the baby was ready to come NOW and I had a choice to push or get the epidural. Naturally, I chose the epidural. John had been sent out of the room and told to sit in the waiting room for 20mins. As soon as I got the epidural, Corynne was ready..., but John was nowhere to be found. They paged him and a stranger found him in the cafeteria waiting for a slice of pizza. As soon as he walked in the room, my doctor told me to push and baby Corynne was born! It was fast, just like with Colin and Carson.
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