Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Gingerbread House

Here is my "little" project I did with Colin. Making a gingerbread house with a 2 year old is no easy task! Colin wanted to eat the icing and the candy rather than decorating... I couldn't resist the temptation myself. So, after about 2 weeks of working on it, I finally gave up. The sides didn't get done or the back of the house.

Christmas pictures to come...

Maternity Leave

Well, my 12 weeks of maternity leave is over:-( I headed back to work yesterday and I was so sad. I REALLY enjoyed my 12 weeks with Carson and will miss our days together. He is such a happy baby and I feel blessed to have two wonderful boys. Carson is getting so big.. He's already in size 3 diapers and weighs about 15 pounds 8 ounces. His personality is starting to come out and he is always smiling. He's only sleeping 3-5 hours at night, which makes for a long day at work for me, but it's all worth it!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O Christmas Tree

We finally went to get our Christmas tree this week. It's up in the house, but the lights and ornaments still aren't on it. We decided to cut down a tree this year. John has never done that before, so it was a new experience for all the boys! We had a great time and Colin enjoyed carrying the saw.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I hope everybody had a Happy Thanksgiving! The girls got together at Fridays (a past tradition) and had a chance to catch up. We then went to Joseph's 2nd birthday party and all the kids got to play together. It was great seeing everybody!!