Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sweet Corynne!

Our sweet baby Corynne is growing so fast. She's getting so big and is so much fun. She has found her feet and she is constantly sucking her toes. The boys think it's hysterical. She is a very happy baby and LOVES to smile and giggle. She is sleeping through the night but only takes little 30 min. naps during the day. She started solids and loves eating vegetables and rice cereal.

Chocolate Making

Another year of Chocolate Making at Aunt Courtney's house. The kids had a fun time, but only had a 10 minute attention span and they were more interested in licking the chocolate from their fingers.

4 Months

Wt 16# 6oz (95%)
Ht 26 1/4 (>95%)

Christmas Tree 2011

Another fun year at the farm picking out our Christmas Tree.

Gingerbread House

Stay home day with Ms. Anita because school was closed.

Clemson Weekend

Again, I'm far behind in posting anything. These pics are from our trip to Clemson in October. With the car packed, we headed South! We split the car ride going and drove the full 9/10 hours back. I must say the kids were amazing in the car and we didn't hear a peep out of Corynne. I don't think we could have had better luck. Anita's first tailgate and live football game. She is Clemson's #1 newest fan. We all spent the weekend with Andy and Mel. 23 ppl spent the night, we had 8 in our room and Corynne was an angel. Great Times!! Go TIGERS!!