Wednesday, April 11, 2012
We had a wonderful Easter and the kids had a great day. After Church, we had our Easter egg hunt at Courtney's house and Grandma had lunch. The weather was beautiful and we did some hula hooping and nobody was able to beat Madi. Colin LOVES hanging out in the country for the day. Gotta say.. I LOVE dressing Corynne in dresses! I didn't want to take her Easter dress off. Can't wait for summer clothes!

College Roomies Visit
Deanna and Kelly came to MD for the weekend and we had a fantastic time catching up. We had everybody over Friday night for crab cakes AND Layla finally held Corynne for the first time. She was sweating, but she did it! It only took her 8 months! (I can't flip the picture for some reason). Sat. night, Grandma watched all 3 kiddos while we enjoyed a night on the town. I took off Monday and hung out with Kelly and had a fun girl day - shopping and pedicures! Kelly is off to Switzerland for 6 months of traveling. Miss the girls already and I'm ready to plan our next reunion!

Future Clemson Tiger
Carson Fun Facts:
*Thinks potty (bad) words can only be said on the potty.
*Changes clothes at least 3 times a day
*Sometimes wets the bed and will change himself and sleep on the other side of the bed or the floor instead of waking us up.
*Finished Basketball at the YMCA and is almost done with soccer and would like to try Karate next.
*He is in swim lessons and is almost swimming by himself.
*Is impossible to wake up for school in the morning.
*Likes to help his brother with his homework
*Mr. Independent
*Has a healthy breakfast appetite. Eats immediately when he finally wakes up, followed by a drop off snack, followed by a 9am school snack.
Massanutten 2012
My goal is to get my blog back up to date. So, we are going to go back in time to February. Our 2nd annual trip to Massunutten with the Ueltschy's and Ms. Anita. We spent the first day at the water park and all the kids had a great time and Corynne liked the water. Carson was probably 1 inch shy from being allowed to ride all the slides, but he was a trooper about it and I even got to join the fun this year because I wasn't pregnant. Day 2 we were off to the slopes on a mild February day. We had Ms. Anita from the Swiss Alps there to help guide the kids down the mountain(hill!). They actually all didn't pretty good with a few falls and some crying, but memories to last a life time. Day 3 on our way back, we stopped at Luray Caverns and the boys really enjoyed that. We asked both boys what they liked the best and Colin said the Caverns and Carson said "Not Skiing". Better Luck next year with skiing as we really want to take them out to Colorado.

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