Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Colin

Dear Colin,
As you turn 4, I look back and remember all the memories we have shared. Thinking back, I cannot imagine my life without you. I knew from the first days of your life that you were somebody special. What I didn't know then, that I know now, is just what a miracle having children are and how much you have enriched our lives.

When we took you home from the hosipital I was definately scared. I didn't know what to do with a little baby, but it wasn't long before you taught me everything I needed to know. I was able to figure out what "cry" meant you were hungry vs. tired vs. a wet diaper, etc. The different stages and milestones in the first year are incredible and there wasn't one you didn't hit. You were walking at 9months and could do you ABC's by 1 year. I was amazed at how smart you were in just a short amount of time.

The terrible two's were hard on us all! There were many time outs and tantrums and there still are ;-) I sometimes think you are too smart for your own good! However, I do believe you know right from wrong and sometimes you just like to push our buttons. You have grown and matured into a sweet little boy. Your teachers at school say you are the class clown which I sometimes find hard to believe as I find you shy like me!! Your sense or humor is unique like no other.

You have given me a greater appreciation for John Deere tractors and country music! You may just be a farmer when you grow up. I'm not sure how long you will want to keep you room green, but I love seeing you develop your own style.

Happy 4th Birthday to my oldest son! You are loved by all of us and are so special.

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