My favorite phrases Colin says:
"No, No Like it" - He has figured our his likes and dislikes
"Mommy, get up pleeeeeease" - He's not a big fan when I'm sitting down, he was the same way when he was a baby
"No, Daddy, No" - Loves to say this when Daddy is tickling him and playing
"Watch Einstein" - First words out of his mouth in the morning
"Scarwey" - Hats are scary and now lights are scary
"Pee Pee on the toilet" - Loves the toilet, but hasn't mastered what to do on there.
"Get up Bowman" - Likes when Bowman jumps on the bed
"Go Bye-Byes" - Always ready to go out
"Open This" - In his eyes, everything should be able to open
"Dink" (aka Drink) "Cheeers"- Loves to cheers his sippy with a beer.
"All Better"- After a tantrum or bump on the head.. it's all better when he says "All Better"
"Poooooping"- His face gets bright red and he's very clear in what he's doing"All Better"- After a tantrum or bump on the head.. it's all better when he says "All Better"
"Hi Buddies" - Everybody is his "buddies"
"I Love You" - Can't get enough of. Mom and Dad's favorite words
"Eat Dinner" - When he's hungry, he pulls out his chair and says "Eat Dinner" - even if it's breakfast or lunch time
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