Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Terrible Two's Already?

I must admit, Colin has been such a sweet and innoncent boy since he was born. He's definateley been our little angel child, but the last couple of weeks have been quite the turn of events. He's into hitting and he hits everything and everybody if he doesn't get his way. It started with the dog and now he's hitting all the kids at daycare (big or small) and everything is "MINE". We've tried everything to get him to stop hitting and don't know what else to do. We would gladly accept any words of advice.

Isn't he cute though?!?!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the terrible two's!!! It's an interesting ride! :) Grayson has been in the terrible two's since he was 10 months old so I'm pretty seasoned in this area---just keep breathing and know that the hitting phase will eventually pass. Lots of time-outs and ignoring did the trick for us (and Grayson's hitting was coupled with biting for a couple of months before he turned 2). Eventually he moved on from hitting and is now a pretty sweet and gentle kiddo. Good luck!! :)
