Saturday, March 15, 2008

Charleston, SC

Colin and I went Charleston about 3 weeks ago to visit friends. John went to Mrytle Beach to play in golf tournament with his buddies. What a weekend... I don't think words can express how bad Colin was. I can make up a lot of excuses for his behavior, but it was just awful. I have to thank Layla and Deanna for putting up with us for the weekend and I was exhausted by the end of the weekend. When we got back, I came down with the flu and had to take 3 days off from work and I couldn't eat for 2 weeks. Below are two pictures I managed to take on our trip.

Trista and Colin
Colin, Trista, and Merritt

1 comment:

  1. they are so cute together! it's hard to believe cute lil colin can be bad? kids will have no one to play with by the time i get around to having them! maybe colin and trista will get married? i miss you guys!

